013-How to Start a Podcast for Women: Lessons and Takeaways

Welcome to a special episode of the third season of our podcast for women, in which we explore what it takes to start a podcast and how we have succeeded over multiple seasons.

Curious about starting your own podcast? Come along as we, your three co-hosts, share unique insights, practical tips, and personal anecdotes from our podcasting journey. Uncover the motivations behind our podcast, the ups and downs we've faced, and the invaluable lessons we've learned over three seasons. From finding inspiration to setting summer goals, we provide practical guidance to help you navigate your own podcasting adventure. Even if starting a podcast isn’t your goal, we share our insights on launching something new in business as women.

We highlight the journey of sharing our voices and stories and navigating challenges, including finding time amidst our busy schedules to record, produce, and promote the Stages of She podcast. From concepting, to coordinating with guests, hiring help with production, to deciding what’s next, we’ve learned what works best for us to be successful and what we hope to do as we grow. While it may not have been the easiest thing to start, the Stages of She podcast is worth every minute we put into it – the connections with amazing guests and amplifying the voices of women like us, have made our podcasting journey rewarding. So if you’re thinking about starting your own podcast, this is the perfect episode for you.

Whether you're a podcasting newbie or a seasoned pro, don't miss out on this fun and insightful journey into the world of podcasting. We appreciate you joining us on this adventure!


012- Empowering Women Entrepreneurs: Lessons in Leadership from Mom Juice's Co-Founders